Monday, June 6, 2011

Car oil leak repair trouble?

My car (1993 Toyota camry), has slightly oil leak. I went to Toyota dealer for fix. after check, I was told there are 3 leaks, distributor O-ring, Valve seal and oil pan gasket. the main leak is from oil pan. so I decide to fix oil pan gasket, cost 300$. plus wheel adjust, change brakes, total $500. I put car in in the morning, will pick up after work. but at afternoon, I was told they fixed the gasket, after driving test there is still leak, they have redo the work. I have to wait to next day.

Next day, when I pick up car, Service guy told me they found another leak, main seal, to fix it costing 1000$. I suspicious they try to make me spend more money, and I did not see much oil on the bottom. So I said I can afford that cost. I will keep eye on it.

Just I drive out of the shop, on the way I found smoke came out under hood, I drove back, service guy told me it was oil drip on exhaust cause the smoke. I said OK, I'll keep eye on it.

In the following weekend, my wife and I could still sense the burning smell. On Monday I drive to the shop, service guy lift car in air to make sure that's oil burn. To my surprise, there is oil collected under the car, He told me it's main seal leak. I said I never has this problem before, how come after your repair my gasket, then there is this problem out standing? He said, '; you mean to fix gasket, cause this leak? No, they are not related, main seal is up up on top. the repair made the leak worse? It's possible, we can give you $300 credit, so you have to pay $700 to fix the main seal leak. ';

I have no experience how to deal with this case, I said I could pay another $200 to fix main seal leak. He would take it. I want to talk to their manager. I want to hear from your suggestion, what should I do?

Apparently, they made my car a new problem but they won't admit.Car oil leak repair trouble?
Check to see if they are a member of the BBB. If they are get there BBB # and turn them in. If not call the states attorney generals office and go from there. Some red tape But, you do want to be vindicatedCar oil leak repair trouble?
The main seal leak is not related to their repair, What they did was not realize you also had a main seal leak until the oilpan was off. I think their offer is very fair and they are trying to resolve the problem in a fair way with the $300 credit. The seal they are talking about is around the rear of the crankshaft, and involves a lot more than just taking off the oil pan. If you don't fix it, engine could catch fire or you'll get nauseated from the oil fumes . Sometimes the truth is hard, but it's the truth.
Unfortunately with oil leaks, once you repair one, another springs a leak. Reason being: when all seals are in tact and not leaking, there is pressure within the system. Once you get a leak in an older (more than 5-10 years old) car and you have a gasket, seal or O-ring replaced, the pressure, now added back to the system, can blow out another gasket, seal or O-Ring. The dollars spent to completely repair this type of aggravation can get costly and usually costs more than the vehicle is worth. When the 'main seal' has gone, it is time to start considering buying another vehicle.

In your above case, it sounds like the garage is trying to make money off of you - nickel and dime turns into thousands in the long run. We'll just say they are probably giving you half truths. Keep pestering the manager if you want to work done

If you are concerned about trading in a vehicle with an oil leak and feel it would reduce the value - here's a little trick - and only to use when you bring it to trade in - Marvel Mystery Oil - 1 teaspoon (and no more)directly into your oil (this will 'expand' gaskets/seals just enough) - drive the car to a self wash car wash - clean the engine and drive right to the dealer - I know, sneaky, but then again you are the one trying to get rid of a headache.

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